
Jetzt Erinnerungen retten mit Mediafix Angebot: Video storage, photos, slides & Co. 15% digital content

Jetzt Erinnerungen retten mit Mediafix Angebot: Video storage, photos, slides & Co. 15% digital content

Im Laufe unseres Lebens sammeln sich viele schöne Erinnerungen an, die oft noch noch auf alten Videokassetten, Fotos, Dias, Tonbändern oder Musikkassetten gespeichert et irgendwo im Schrank, Keller or auf dem Dachboden lagern. Other news: These other media are available for Verblassen and Qualitätsverlust – besonders Magnetbänder. Im schlimmsten Fall können sie sogar unbrauchbar werden, and wertvolle Erinnerungen wären dann unwiederbringlich verloren.

* It contains 15% of the nuts and the remaining rinsing contents ➔

With the European Marktführer MEDIAFIX You can use all your other analog media in digital format and in digital format to store VHS video cassettes and more video formats, photos, photos, music cassettes, negatives, films or soundtracks. So you have the direction of the Weihnachts festival kommende to get the perfect Weihnachts festival for the Baum-term family.

Video cassettes, photos and other digitization: Throw it away with 15% discount on MEDIAFIX

You can save money by throwing the Special-Deal, the MEDIAFIX reading from exclusively for sale and a 15% discount on the digitization of your expenses.

Now is December 9, 2024 You’re in luck, with the exclusive discount code to save. The Code CHRISTMAS24 and of the verbundene 15% Rabt wird automatisch registriert et dir bei der unverbindlichen Anfrage über das Formular in our serem Link gutgeschrieben. Just click for 15% off –Buttons in this article.

* Digitalization with 15% Rabat sichern ➔

Take advantage of a 15% discount on the scanning service offered by MEDIAFIX until the following purchase date: When your expiration date is December 6, 2024, you have your digital warranty until the date of purchase. Das Angebot doré nur bei Online-Anfragen.

You will have access to other photos, videos and more and all activities of Urlaub, Weihnachtsfest und Co., before the quality is pronounced or the lessons are no longer functional.

You benefit from a 15% reduction on MEDIAFIX

With an exclusive 15% discount on MEDIAFIX, you will receive a single price for your scan backup. Here, you only have one example to follow, as the MEDIAFIX service has no problem offering you:

  1. Video cassette from €5.94 instead of €6.99
  2. Photo from €0.153 instead of €0.18 per piece
  3. Musikkassette and Tonband from €5.94 instead of €6.99
  4. Dia from €0.094 and from €0.11 pro Stück

* Please note that 15% of the flap is retained ➔

So I offer you digitization at MEDIAFIX in the workshop:

  1. Non-verbal anchoring on the online form*. The 15% discount code will be automatic by clicking on the links in this article activated.
  2. Auftragsformular print and understand
  3. Medien verpacken, Auftragsformular beilegen
  4. For direct mail to MEDIAFIX at a postal branch of your Wahl or at DHL-Boten abgeben or Abholservice to the nearest house
  5. The package can be personalized in one of the 26 Annahmestellen in Germany angeliefert werden
  6. Digitalization at MEDIAFIX-Zentrale in Cologne
  7. Zahlung nach fullstandiger Digitalisierung
  8. Abholung or Rücksendung deiner Medien

* Digitalization with 15% Rabat sichern ➔

The availability of digital services from MEDIAFIX

Under the motto “Wir retten Erinnerungen”, MEDIAFIX is sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, deine wertvollen Momente für die Zukunft zu bewahren. First of all, it has been possible to obtain analog images, tones and data during the war, thanks to MEDIAFIX in digital form, and – where possible and optimal – the quality is optimized. Das Ziel ist, personal or historical bedeutsame Erinnerungen in the gewünschten Qualität and Preisklasse dauerhaft digital zu sichern.

* Please note that 15% of the flap is retained ➔

This means we have the art of analog digital media. Here are some of the game titles: Video cassettes in VHS, Betamax or MiniDV format, Dias, Pictures and photos, Negative, Schmalfilme, Music cassettes or Tonbander.

You can use Mediafix in an alten analog or digital format and switch to the Zukunft.

When resuming your analogs, you can use other scanning methods for digitization, such as tracking maintenance or repairing multiple films on video cassettes.

Denn bei alten Aufnahmen, bei pelsweise bei analogen Videokassetten besteht un hohe Gefahr de Datenverlusts aufgrund Sinkender Qualität, denn diese stop durchschnittlich up to 20 yearsHowever, the following changes may be made and the quality will be corrected. In the digital form, the quality is assured by your current support and you can get better security time at no cost.

And you can head to other video tapes or Super 8 movies on your computer. in premium Full HD quality (1,920 × 1,080 Pixel) for secure scaling, thanks to the rapid distribution of your videos thanks to artificial intelligence umgewandelt wird.

* Digitalization with 15% Rabat sichern ➔

  1. Scanning is done on DVD, USB stick or download
  2. With digitalization is gegen strong word Coloring and other modified effects equipment.
  3. Digitized MEDIAFIX Monatlich Rund 2 million media für Privat- und Geschäftskunden.
  4. Günstigster Qualitätsanbieter I am German Internet
  5. Self zu digitalisieren würde viel Zeit kosten etzt häufig zusätzliches technisches Equipment voaus, ob bei Photos, Videos and Co.
  6. Simple Abwicklung and Rund-um-Service
  7. Anlieferung per Post, Abholservice or in Annahmestelle möglich

In Cologne and the Umgebung? Abgabe deiner Medien bei MEDIAFIX auch direkt möglich

You don’t want public transport not to be carried out on the transport path at the hand level, or to the railway and if you want to do it directly to MEDIAFIX vorbeibringen? You can then contact the Central Office in Cologne or the Annahmestellen in Troisdorf or Weilerswist directly:

MEDIAFIX GmbH, Vitalisstraße 158, 50827 Cologne

Telephone: 0221 / 67 78 69 34

Email: [email protected]

Platzen RingphotoSpicher Str. 101 (at the Hit-Center), 53844 Troisdorf

Photoservice BlotzheimCologne Street. 105, 53919 Weilerswist

We offer you more information about the MEDIAFIX headquarters in Cologne and the Annahmestellen, including general information you will find here.

MEDIAFIX guarantees your best price guarantee stets den besten Prices in Deutschland for die Digitalisierung deiner analogen Medien. Please test a professional robot for a suitable maintenance service directly from MEDIAFIX-Kundendienst. (Tel.: +49 221 67 78 69 34 or [email protected]).