
Taarstedt 2025: Angeliter Open Air with New Model Army and Talco

Taarstedt 2025: Angeliter Open Air with New Model Army and Talco

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  • Das Angeliter Open Air will meet on August 15 and 16, 2025 in Taarstedt.

  • New Model Army and other bands like Talco, Slime and Prong are the best.

  • The Vorverkauf läuft erfolgreich, viele Tickets sind bereits verkauft.

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“The program has also been carried out in the past,” said Arne Eggert, director of the Angeliter Open Air, on August 15 and 16 in Taarstedt. During the Festival, there are new acts of new artists, but also new artists.

New Model Army comes together with two evils

“We will be happy to have the new army model at hand,” said the Veranstalter. For his own war it is a long Wunsch, the British nach Angeln zu Holen, der sich 2019 erfüllte. “The war arises, and the efforts occur – auf beiden Seiten,” he said. Fans came to see and did the band, singer Justin Sullivan performs twice in a solo concert.

But during the war of the bands, the small “mit Liebe gemachte Festival”, as Eggert did, announced that he would take care of the headliner during this year, even in Taarstedt. In August 2025, please make sure that we are no longer auf der Bühne.

The big name, together with others Kettcar, Donots, Pennywise or Wingenfelder and Selig, also took place in the atmosphere of the idyllic Dreiseithof and the Füsinger Au – the man with the Angeliter Open Air of a besonderes festival, which is also one of the many music festivals. . Eggert a die Zimmer der ehemaligen Jugendeinrichtung aufwendig ausgebaut et stellt den Bandmitgliedern sieben individuall gestaltete Apartments zur Verfügung.

Sometimes bitten by the organizers of the AOA, the artists most interested in a break and now, for the last years of work, the language is not longer in Germany and Europe than it is. This is not the case for all the Bands that can be heard. „Drei Namen fehlen noch. But the slot machines are all taken,” said the Veranstalter.

Neben NMA also used Talco, Slime, Prong, The Gems for your order. Talco, an Italian ska-punk band, has been standing on the global artist list for a very long time. “Music is beautiful for Laune and I am for Sprache,” he says. The Slime company in Hamburg died in the 80s in Germany Punk mitgegenget haben, hatte Eggert gern entgegengenommen. Die Chemie mit Alex Schwers, drummer and self-organizer of the festival, was directed by Anfang.

The Gems music groups also come with Thundermother in Gast, the contact being published. And the Hamburger Ska-Punkband Rantanplan and The Movement from Copenhagen kennen Taarstedt are represented. Ebenfalls beim AOA 2025 will consist of Jaya the Cat, Maid of Ace, Saint City Orchestra and Butterwegge, performed by The Surfanauts, Nuthouse Flowers, as well as Lokalmatadoren Ukulela Rasa and Torsk.

It was also a long period of August auf dem Gelände des Dreiseithofs dabei sein möchte, sollte sich bald um Karten kümmern. “The Vorverkauf ist sehr gut angelaufen. Early-Bird-Tickets are available within the next three days,” Eggert said. Gut the Hälfte der 2500 Tickets seien bereits verkauft – deutlich mehr als im Vorjahr zur gleichen Zeit. “We have invested in the last year, I think we are going to die soon. »

The Ansporn, the Festival today, is a little finer for my life, it is still today. “We can of course be aware of the Fläche ja nicht, but we are already at the bottom of the year yesterday and the Konzept,” said Arne Eggert. In this case, you should be sure that the Meter is still in the Camping area and the Sanitary Warehouse is no longer in use. You can also add more Food-Trucks for Verpflegung sorgen.

Auf dem Festivalgelände wird es kleinere Veränderungen et Neuerungen geben. For greater flexibility, please take advantage of Malte Jochimsen (Veranstalter of the Shelter-Festivals in Eggebek and the DanGer-Festivals in Ladelund). Arne Eggert: “It’s such an old way that we’re in the energy business and we have a bit of weirdness and helping each other to create a good network. »