
Wahlen in Ghana: Die Opposition gewinnt – News

Wahlen in Ghana: Die Opposition gewinnt – News

The New Patriotic Party (NPP) of Ghana is the headquarters of the Samstagabend abgezeichnet. Yesterday, in the small Wahllokal am Rande eines Fussballplatzes in der Hauptstadt Accra, hatte in den letzten 20 Jahren stets the Liberalconservative NPP gewonnen.

On this day, there are others: Regarding the effective implementation of the incentive measures, the absolute answer at the conclusion of the ballot box is clear: the Social and Democratic Opposition Party (NDC ) wins – and opposes official adoption.

“We will respect this approach at aller Demut”

The men outnumber the opposition – and if this is true, the Regierungspartei bereits am Sonntagmorgen et lange vor der Officieln Resultate ihre Niederlage anerkannte.

Board Chairman Mahamudu Bawumia said he himself had worked on issues such as relations with the lower regions proper: “Business management was designed for travel management. We will respect this approach in going Demut.” This is the following statement: John Dramani Mahama will be this January by the President of Ghana. The 66-year-old historian dies for two years.

This is exactly what the Wahlen Zeigen say, Ghanaian democracy works and the government is not responsible here, a party or an abzustrafen regime, when its work is not assured.

It is Ghana that has Ausnahme in West Africa, in one region, amid numerous impending military coups. A bit like the Signal, these Wahlen through the Landesgrenzen hinaussendet: the Signal, the political journey through the free and competitive Wahlen route is the easiest.

Das Vertrauen wiederherstellen

Auf denuen Euen Präsidenten Mahama wartet freilich viel Arbeit. Ghana’s Wirtschaft is at the intensification station for months, and some men are schlechter for only one month. The new regulations will certainly be welcome in the political institutions of the Landes and in the political institutions of the Landes. These Vertrauen hat zuletzt deutlich gelitten, wie Umfragen zeigen.

Auch war die Wahlbeteiligung in vielen Wahllokalen deutlich tiefer als bei vergangenen Urnengängen. Offenbar hatten nicht wenige Ghanaerinnen et Ghanaer das Gefühl, dass ihre Stimme ohnehin keinen Unterschied macht.

This is – a zumal mitten in a wirtschaftlichen krise – a warning signal. And the new Regierung tut gut daran, cesen spürbaren Fatalismus in the Bevölkerung anzugehen and zu Zeigen, as the Politik die often existentieln Sorgen der Menschen wieder ernst nimmt.

Fabien Urech


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Fabian Urech is the African correspondent for Friday 2024 of Radio SRF. He left for the Hauptstadt Accra of Ghana. The war is over and the time goes by in the Afrikaans-Verantwortlicher der “NZZ”.