
Tennis legend was in his career: Nadal started with 107 euros prize money | Sportmix

Tennis legend was in his career: Nadal started with 107 euros prize money | Sportmix

Tickets for luxury buyers of Rafael Nadal (38) cost up to 7,000 euros. Minds are no longer the same things that die Tennis-The legend of the public holiday (around 5 p.m.) during the Davis Cup in Malaga for Spain in the final in Holland.

Nadal must speak out: The best player of 1307 matches in 23 years and 22 Grand Slam rounds has nothing more with: “I didn’t understand anything, I’m not in time, without any difficulty playing .” SPORT BILD zeigt zum Abschied Nadals Superlative!

2 ripped in 12 secondsDoppel-Wumms zum Schluss lässt Spieler ausrasten

What: BILD/YouTube

Spain’s victory against Holland will take place on November 22 in the semi-final and on November 24 at the end of the tournament. The matches are the best of two Einzelmatches and a Doppel. Team captain David Ferrer (42) will be the first to enter Ort, like the legend of the legend. Fest steht: Eine besondere Abschiedszeremonie ist vorbereitet.

Nadal entered the 92 Turniere. The Spaniard comes from Mallorca. Dort besitzt er also a great Tennis Academy

The superlative purse seiner Karriere


107 euros betrug sein erstes Preisgeld (2001 in Madrid).

514 million. Euro Karriereeinnahmen (123.9 million per prize, 390 million per sponsorship).

Ewige Top 3 Karriere-Preisgeld 1. Novak Djokovic: 169.8 Mio. Euro 2. Nadal: 123.9 million. Euro 3. Roger Federer: 119.8 million. Euro


1080 Headquarters and 227 Niederlagen

I have 315 verschiedene Gegner. Positive balance 294, ausgeglichen gegen 9, negative Balance 12.

Nur gegen two Spieler hat Nadal a 0:2-Bilanz. One davon is Deutsche Dustin Brown and another Àlex Corretja (Spanish).

22 Davon Grand Slam title: 14x Roland-Garros 2x Australian Open 4x US Open 2x Wimbledon

209 women as number in the world


112 Siege bei den Roland-Garros (Rekord für eines der Grand-Slam-Turniere).

A player who made his big Grand Slam tournament without a single whistle. At the French Open 2008, 2010, 2017 and 2020 (Björn Borg chose to choose the Rekord mit trois).

50 Sätze in Folge auf Sand gewonnen (from May 15, 2017 to May 7, 2018).

81 Headquarters in Folge auf Sand (from April 4, 2005 to May 14, 2007).


3 players participated in their run to the 4th Grand Slam tournament and Olympia-Gold: Nadal, Novak Djokovic and Andre Agassi.

With 24 years, 3 months and 10 days as youngsters of the Grand Slam tournament (Open-Ära).

10 years of madness with Grand Slam tournament spirit (2005-2014) – Rekord.

15 years with the spirit of a Grand Slam tournament – ​​Rekord.