
NSW Telco Authority aims to fix ‘degradation’ with HCI refresh – Networks – Software

NSW Telco Authority aims to fix ‘degradation’ with HCI refresh – Networks – Software

NSW Telco Authority hopes to resolve IT system performance issues in its emergency radio network with an infrastructure refresh.

The authority’s Public Safety Network (PCN), a radio network dedicated to frontline emergency and essential services and government agencies, is powered by an operating information and technology environment known as RADNET .

RADNET’s “aging” Dell-Nutanix hardware hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) is nearing end of life, resulting in “performance degradation” (pdf).

As such, the authority is looking to replace and decommission its old HCI by June next year and has now issued a tender.

In a statement to iTnewsa NSW Telco Authority spokesperson said the tender “represents a critical step in the refresh of HCI infrastructure”.

Currently, a Dell-Nutanix HCI with VMWare vSphere is used to host 90% of RADNET’s servers and applications, including Kalibre for insights and performance monitoring.

The HCI spans 12 nodes across two Sydney data centers and 200 virtual machines on VMware vSphere.

According to tender documents, NSW Telco Authority intends to migrate its virtual machines to an upgraded vSphere or AHV Nutanix.

As part of the migration, the Authority also plans to create five new Nutanix or vSphere ESXi clusters.

According to the document, the project “presents an opportunity to refresh HCI to better align with current business needs, including dedicating four nodes to support Kalibre’s governance management responsibilities, thereby consolidating oversight and accountability “.