
Led Zeppelin: Freiheit künstlerische ohne Kompromisse | – Culture

Led Zeppelin: Freiheit künstlerische ohne Kompromisse | – Culture

Stand: 08.12.2024 06:00

With Led Zeppelin guitarist Jimmy Page for an album in the 70s in the studio within Gitarrensounds, with Peter Urban live dabei. I am an Urban Pop podcast that is at your disposal.

“I am often at war in England, the damaux in the musical studies of the new band Led Zeppelin and their guitarists Jimmy Page,” wrote NDR music expert Peter Urban in the Urban Pop podcast. “I can cite Jimmy Page as a studio production games guitarist. While I’m happy, with Led Zeppelin, a band became skeptical. And I’m album high, but I’m clear, like it’s the war. Dramatische Sounds mit unglaublicher Ambiance.”

For their debut album, Page, Plant, Bonham and Jones of the Atlantic Records music label stole $200,000 – a very nice summer for an encore now from an unknown group: “Aretha Franklin’s producer Jerry Wexler is present at Atlantic Records for his music and his fan: This hat Potential. For the war of the groups for another agreement.

Press statement for inquiries

In an initial press statement from Atlantic Records, Led Zeppelin and the unknown band announced that they were “in the footsteps of Queen and Jimi Hendrix”. Peter Urban said: “Der Vergleich klang ein bisschen großkotzig, das kam in der Englischen Presse überhaupt nicht gut an.” Thus erhielten Led Zeppelin von Anfang an schlechte Kritiken und Gegenwind von der Presse. “Aber als das erste Album rauskam, wurde es vom Publikum gefeiert.”

Dass Urban personally went to the production of an album by the group, but there hasn’t been one yet. After the 70s, two days ago in a Regieraum at London’s Abby Road Studios, in the Beatles’ houses, they will perform live: “I can talk about the singer-songwriter Roy Harper. The manager to my mitgenommen. I am hot, like Jimmy Page Guitar game. Das war rückblickend eines meiner größten Erlebnisse.”

Intense sounds and varied artistic landscapes

Led Zeppelin-Sänger Robert Plant (links) and guitarist Jimmy Page worked at the end of the band until January 1985, at Live Aid auf.

Led Zeppelin’s sound is not yet reduced to Heavy Metal, but finds Urban. Also included in Blues, Jazz and Folk music are the sound of music.

In an interview for Led Zeppelin-Sänger youth Robert Plant, they have great free artistic talent and their own compromise must be made. So veröffentlichten Led Zeppelin in England ausschließlich Alben and keine Singles. You will also be able to access the TV channels.

Lange Pieces

This creative creativity creates the group beyond, in a new language, complex elements to create. This is how we find the song “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin, which is in his own album, above a minute longer. For Urban is the song with a healthy atmospheric beginning and dynamic dynamics in an epische Meisterstück: “I call it, Led Zeppelin numbers ganz zu hören. It gives healthy sounds, pauses, and there are ups and downs dynamic bottoms – dafür ist Led Zeppelin mustergültig.”

Gefällt plant “Stairway to Heaven” – Free text more

Robert Plant wrote the text for “Stairway to Heaven” in just a few minutes. Heute distance and sich vom Text, empfindet diesen rückblickend als “schwülstig und pompös”. Erzählt wird die Geschichte einer Frau, die zu viel will et wenig gibt, die “Stairway to Heaven” also die Treppe zum Himmel hinaufgehen will.

There’s a lady who knows for sure, all that glitters is gold
and she buys a staircase to heaven
When she arrives, she knows if the stores are all closed
with a word she can get what she came for
Ooh, ooh, and she buys a stairway to heaven

Rechtsstreit um Intro

The Rockballade is particularly interesting in its intros with the intro to the songs “Taurus” by Spirit. “The Verwandtschaft der Songs ist nicht ganz zu leugnen”, found by editor Ocke Bandixen. Urban pflichtet ihm bei: “Sowohl Spirit with Led Zeppelin played at the end of 68, Anfang 69 on an American Tournee. Man cannte sich. And I think Led Zeppelin can do the song “Taurus”. Wenn die beiden Intros nacheinander hört, dann hört dude, that’s it. Same.”

Page and plant are at the forefront as “lächerlich” zurück. As the 2020 process concludes, in front of Richter, there is no plagiarism the group is doing. Urban response: “The beginning is also meiner Sicht auch korrekt: Solche Gitarrentöne – rauf und runter – sind Standard, besonders in der klassischen Gitarrenmusik.”

Tod von Bonham performs Ende von Led Zeppelin

Im Jahr 1980 starb Schlagzeuger John Bonham im Alter von 32 Jahren durch einen Unfall. Nach exzessivem Alkoholkonsum hatte er sich schlafen gelegt, woraufhin sich Erbrochenes in seiner Lunge ansammelte, was zu einem Lungenödem führte.

Jimmy Page hosted the Rolling Stone group, Bonham had this Tag in a more emotional approach. After Tod Bonhams delivered the other mitglieder from the end of the group. Led Zeppelin is a woman of her time and was set up for the ends of the future, hence the beginning. Concrete page: “Wäre ich gestorben, hätten die anderen genauso entschieden.”

The superb Urban Pop awaits you on this page and in the ARD Audio Library.

More information

In an Urban Pop podcast, NDR music journalist Peter Urban published the first anniversary of 2016 musicians Leonard Cohen. more

Musik-Insider Peter Urban appears in the podcast “Urban Pop” with his extensive knowledge about the world of music. more

Kate Bush’s songs can be found in the popular hits of ABBA and Boney M. aus dem Rahmen – mit Erfolg. more

This theme in the program:

Editor’s note Culture | Urban Pop – Musical discussion with Peter Urban | 05.12.2024 | 06:00