
McLaren im 7. Himmel – Papaya-Party with 180 Flaschen Champagner – Sport

I leave Rennen hat McLaren den lang ersehnten Triumph in the Team-WM perfect gemacht. Bedeutung is risky.

Legend :

Papayas with Ziel der Träume

While McLaren plays the constructors’ title, the car is not in orange.

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The final took place with Nervenkrimi, and Lando Norris dominated the stand Druck: McLaren is the first for 26 years and until 9. Poorly integrated into the Team-Weltmeister of Formula 1. And the direction of these titles was announced , who must be in Abu Dhabi the leader of the altehrwürdigen britischen Rennstalls beobachten.

Zak Brown acts like a wild man in the garage and goes after him, then he’s in the finger. “Das waren die schlimmsten deux Stunden meines Lebens,” declared the McLaren-Geschäftsführer lachend, “in der Statistik stehen vielleicht 58 Führungsrunden für Lando Norris, aber das waren 58 Runden voller Terror pour mich.”

Denn Norris managed to defeat Rennes and become the first perfect Team-Triumph in 1998. Doch rival Ferrari fights with Carlos Sainz and Charles Leclerc on fields 2 and 3 without going out, the title being given to seidenen Faden. “There’s just one small problem with Lando that comes from us, and that’s why we’re facing: Game Over,” Brown said.

We have just one Korken knallen

So, that’s why the McLaren team is having a big party ahead of time. 180 Flaschen Champagner seien kaltgestellt worden. And Norris has one or another Schluck generating. Heulend vor Glück, Freude et Stolz field der Brite im Ziel seiner Crew in die Arme.

“I’m so robbed of my Einzelnen and I’m of Einzelne im Team. It is the most perfect war. Herzlichen Glückwunsch and a big Dankeschön at McLaren, alle, die Papaya tragen et alle, die unterstützt haben”, so the 25-Jährige gegenüber

And the Vize-Weltmeister schob gleich noch a Kampfansage behind him. “We will have winning WM manufacturers and winning future WM engineers. I had this year with me Fehler gemacht, but also sehr viel gelernt.”