
iPhone-Buchse vor Staub schützen – mit simplen Zubehör

iPhone-Buchse vor Staub schützen – mit simplen Zubehör

Simon Jary / Foundry

When you place your iPhone in your (pants) bag or in your backpack with your bag, take care and put it in greater safety to use your phone – den Ladeanschluss. When a first genug Staub and Schmutz are released, they are schwierig, the charging cable is richly einzustecken, and you can do it auf das kabellose Laden verlassen.

Schmutz, der aus Ihrer Tasche in den Ladeanschluss gelangt, ist einfach unvermeidlich – or is it not? Now that you’re in the Apple Store, it’s my turn, the Anschluss mit einem kleinen Stöpsel zu verschließen. It is possible to find out more on Amazon, as I will use the insurance covers from Limvory, in the life pack and with a small practical rehabilitation practice.


There are USB-C connectors for iPhone 15 and 16 or with Lightning for iPhone 14 and others. If you are there, you will see it, but it is not possible to do so, if it is large, it should not be damaged.