
AI Coins im Fokus: Then carry out Nvidias Krypto-Konkurrenz

AI Coins im Fokus: Then carry out Nvidias Krypto-Konkurrenz

The KI-Hype broadcasts the new data on GPUs to new heights – and offers AI-Coins earned on the rise. A click on the green inside the Kursanstiegen and the potential of the KI-Token in the active Marktumfeld.

Rendering (RNDR): Plus 35.8 Prozent innerhalb einer Woche

Bei Render (RNDR) gives a result of 35.8 percent. The Kurs reported a market view of US$6.57, with a market capitalization of approximately US$3.4 billion. And when the Kurs took place today, it was necessary for the Federation to launch itself – in a preview of a Kursverlust at 3.3 percent – ​​creating the Momentum for the positive AI-Coin inside.

At the end of March, this month occurred and the moment when the regional market phase took place, stabilized by the Kurs either in a market management process, was in a long phase of late accumulation. And then the young Kursausbruch bridge didn’t make it, but it always did.

The rendering is the “NVIDIA-Killer” of the Kryptoszene with decentralized GPU-Power and appears to be a success in the film and medical industry. Rendering is not possible with current partners like Apple or Nvidia itself, and it looks like they are as big as Beeple. BTC-ECHO is available.

RENDERED on the 7-step chart, Quelle: Coingecko

AIOZ Network (AIOZ): More than 40.1 Prozent Kursplus in 7 days

Also the Kurs of AIOZ Network (AIOZ) is in the working woman: there are 40.1 percent more than the woman, with a market capitalization, which is worth 600 million US dollars and 850 million US dollars. At 14-Tage-Sicht liegt der Kursanstieg gar bei 72.9 Prozent – ​​a time for future interested in this project?

The first boot took place with the most comprehensive upgrade and the Hardfork v1.6.0 was launched on November 7, 2024. Thanks to the update which ensures security and stability, the new optimization functions of the network infrastructure are now available. AIOZ Network allows you to help us create a decentralized network for Web3 applications in the Bereichen KI, Speicher and Streaming.

AIOZ-Kurs during the launch, Quelle: Coingecko

Due to the AIOZ token market capitalization, all-time wealth creation in March, I think the Kurs itself is also in the background. The highest price of 2.65 US dollars will be obtained directly during the launch of the token for three years – and then the payment will be rapid. Starker Verkaufsdruck shot the Kurs in the Keller and the park markets and brought them to the Nulllevel. The first time this month with the Krypto-Rally was the Schwung rein, and the Kurs was for the first time Mal seit Langem die 1-US-Dollar-Marke überschritt. Ob AIOZ künftig neue Höchststände erreichen kann, hanggt davon ab, wie viel Luft nach oben bei der Marktkapitalisierung noch bleibt.

Im Vergleich zur Sentwicklung die AIOZ-Marktkapitalisierung über die Jahre, Quelle: Coingecko

Akash (AKT): Over 26.7 percent gain over the period

The AI-Coin AKT is trading at 26.7 percent online sales price on our list of Women’s Top-AI-Performer. Kurdistan went to this day on November 13 with 3.40 US dollars before having a high point and one or the other was announced. The price was announced at US$3.10, with a market capitalization of US$765 million.

Akash (AKT) is a core marketplace for cloud computing, as well as open-source alternative to the core like AWS, Azure or Google Cloud. A reverse auction system allows you to find resources for a personalized price.

On November 5, the project “Provider Incentive Pilot 2” with a brief support of the 10 million US dollars for the use of GPU-Kapazitäten in Akash Supercloud was the project for austerity during this period. Damit soll die steigende Nachfrage gedect werden, the GPU-Auslastung des Netzwerks inzwischen über 70 Prozent liegt.

The numerous connection possibilities with GPU capabilities, achieved through the KI-intensive research Boom technology, works like Turbo for the Akash network: these years are based on Metas Llama-3-Modelle and the integrated Noah Research LLM , free on Akash Chat genutzt werden können. This initiative is part of the previous pilot projects, the years expansion of more than 300 GPUs in the network and with a partner like and Prime Intellect, the decentralized intervention of Akash.

AKT on the 7-Tages-Chart, Quelle: Coingecko

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