
Order Seasonabschluss for Sky and ORF

Order Seasonabschluss for Sky and ORF

( – Lando Norris won the Abu Dhabi Grand Prix and McLaren ensured he would take part in the Renne Formel-1-Season title in the construction. In Germany, Sky’s many TV fans earned $555,000 compared to the Live-Berichterstattung of pay-TV transmitters in the 2024 finals, earning $20,000 million in the 24th season. (More information in our quote about the sender!)

Formel-1-Fans takes the start of the 2024 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix



Die Negative Nachricht aus Sky-Sicht aber ist: Das Interesse am letzten Formel-1-Saisonrennen war schon mal deutlich größer. The WM 2021 event brought together 951,000 people live on Sky. 2022 is submerged up to $750,000, 2023 with $606,000 in savings plus at the end of the current season – until 2024, and even in previous years he should still have a title.

An overview of the 4.3 percent market that Sky needs: It is correct at the level of previous years, that 2021 at 5.8 percent and 2022 at 5.3 percent will be better sold. La saison schnitt liegt mit 5.1 Prozent indes clair über den Zahlen von Abu Dhabi.

Included Streaming-Angebot (+128,000) by Sky for Abu Dhabi with an audience published by 683,000 Formel-1-Fans. The latter lost Knapp as the best TV show queen of years: 706,000 were won at the Monaco Grand Prix live on Sky. Las Vegas – with the title description in the Fahrerwertung document – displays with 330,000 season points for the German sender.

ORF knapp unterdurchschnittlich in Abu Dhabi

Anders als Sky sold the official ORF in Austria within the Formel-1-Season 2024 with a price of $509,000 compared to the Live-Berichterstattung im Fernsehen, which reached $533,000 during the year. Implied: 24,000 fans.

At the public events, you will be able to participate in the public events of the Sky festival: 2021 won 1.1 million of the Formel-1 final in Abu Dhabi, at ORF. 2022 is worth $602,000 for ServusTV, 2023 $539,000 is more expensive than ORF. For 2024, you will be entitled to less than $30,000.

Photos: Abu Dhabi: Marc Surer’s reading notes and the editorial staff

The Marktanteil sank leicht um zwei auf 36 percent. Also yesterday the Finale 2021 was announced: Bei 57 Prozent hatte vor trois ans mehr als jeder deuxe österreichische TV-Zuseher die Formel 1 im ORF verfolgt. 2022 is available on ServusTV until 41.2 hours.

In previous years’ qualifiers, ORF was better paid than Sky: In Austria, they earned $287,000 on Saturday for a time elapsed, a market of 27 percent was achieved. In Germany there is $146,000 from TV-Zuschauer, but there is $70,000 from Stream for $216,000 from Sky-Programm. Markt for the Fernseh-Ubertragung: 1.3 percent.

Welche Sender 2025 die Formel 1 live live

For 2025, the TV landscape of Formel 1 will be there: Sky ist mit seinem Exklusivvertrag in Deutschland bis 2027 bei allennwochenenden gesetzt. RTL is present in Rahmen seiner Sky-Sublizenz in 2025 to attend the Free Television Grands Prix.

In Österreich you will find the Rechteinhaber ServusTV and the ORF die Formel-1-Übertragungen weiterhin hälftig auf. The current Formel-1-Vertrag will take place until the end of 2026.