
Gotthard and Krokus rock the open-air Marktplatz

Gotthard and Krokus rock the open-air Marktplatz

The Ehinger Marktplatz Open-Air in June 2025 is not yet in good shape. The Veranstaltern Allgäu Concerts and Donau 3FM are not yet present on Saturday (June 28) for an upcoming Hardrock-Fest. Denn mit den beiden Schweizer Bands “Gotthard” and “Krokus” form two Kultbands within the Hardrock scene in Donau. “Das wird ein richtiger Hardrock-Abend”, freut sich Carlheinz Gern von Donau 3 FM. The “Schwäbische Zeitung” is our medical partner at the Ehinger Marktplatz Open-Air Dabei.

Abstecher an die Donau

And the beiden Bands from Switzerland are preparing their tour to the Eidgenossen un Abstecher nach Ehingen. At the next shows in 2017, Switzerland and no longer the Swiss Ehingen on the Schauplatz has a unique rock feel: Gotthard and Krokus, the two great bands of Swiss rock music, will release their Kräfte for exclusive Shows in January 2025. June 27 in Basel, June 28 in Ehingen, December 19 in Bern and December 20 in Zurich, we will see together the 2020s for the baby.

And the Double-Headliner performs Krokus and Gotthard without a doubt Rock-Abende zu zelebrieren. If we were fans a show biten, die nicht nur laut et intensive, sondern auch voller Leidenschaft et musikalischer Geschichte ist.

Saint-Gothard: Mit 16 Number 1-Alben ist Gotthard die erfolgreichste Band der Schweiz. All your studios have started working on the Swiss charts, and you must enter the Top 5 of the German charts. I received a Diamond Award for Excellence for one million dollars awarded in Alben in der Schweiz.

With over 2000 concerts worldwide the Gotthard tour for over 30 years as a headliner in Europe and Japan and performed as a special guest for Rockgrößen like the Rolling Stones, Deep Purple , Bon Jovi, Scorpions and AC/DC. Three times awarded the Swiss Music Award, the Saint-Gothard is a great celebration of European rock. With your new studio album “Stereo Crush” in the store, you will first be in a new vorstellen set.

Krokus auf der Bühne.
(Photo : Katharina Pütz/Archiv)

Crocuses: This group gives over 50 years. Some other Swiss rock bands have more experience here and in the Australian outback. You already have unique knowledge with the largest countries in the world and research with gold and platinum products in the United States and Canada. Even today, your music is played on American radio. Your backkatalog is very cool and your fans include Alice Cooper, Jack Black and Lars Ulrich. Rihanna is wearing his shirt and is his companion from Memphis Tennessee.

Krokus plays good friends and better as I do. Was old Konzerte europaweit zeigen. A high point, the most important of festivals, if you want your Wacken-Auftritt, within the Number-1-Live-Album pack. The English music journalist Malcolm Dome wrote: “Krokus gehören seit Jahrzehnten zum Besten, was die Hardrock-Szene zu bieten hat.” Die Band zeigt, wie man auch nach fünf Dekaden echten, handgemachten, ungeschliffenen Authentic rock and würdig zelebriert.

Disruptive spirit

Krokus: “We play a lot of things this way, and we’re both in it and all the geniuses. And this Krokus-Spirit special is incredible fun – for us and our three Easy Rockers. We often incredible opportunities.”

Wait until June 26 with the German band “Santiano” on the Ehinger Marktplatz auftreten. With their unexpected blends of rock and traditional folk elements, Santiano had the opportunity to experience his career years in the career of Herzen von Millionen von Menschen erobert. Their Alben looked at the Charts, their Live-Shows are legendary and they are also one in a Santiano War concert, the white has nothing to do with the urgency of the rock band.

Tickets are available at other Allgäu concerts at