
The police are organizing a Drogen-Party in Hotelzimmer!

The police are organizing a Drogen-Party in Hotelzimmer!

Bangkok- In Bangkok, the police 124 men against an illegal party Drug festgenommen.

Bunte Pillen et weißes Pulver: In a Thai hotel, the stay is wilder than that of Gesetz. © DOCUMENT / ROYAL THAI POLICE / AFP

The police had another day of work for a “Drogenparty” at a hotel in the center of the Thai city, according to politician Pansa Amarapitak at Montag.

Police took photos of a place where more human things can be seen in hands and underwear.

31 of 124 Menschen seien im Besitz von verbotenen Rauschmitteln wie Crystal Meth, Ecstasy et Ketamin gewesen, dit Pansa. There are 66 positive answers to these words.

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Die meisten Partygäste seien nach einem Verhör wieder freigelassen worden.

Thailand is a good means of transport for illegal businesses in Southeast Asia. The police are becoming concerned, but they are also going after hard drugs like heroin and methamphetamine.

Das Land strengthened the Drogengesetze. The use of drugs like ecstasy and methamphetamine can be a day’s worth of life.