
Jesse Eisenberg: ‘I love comedy so well, but I’m a trauma man’

Jesse Eisenberg: ‘I love comedy so well, but I’m a trauma man’

Jesse Eisenberg is a businessman cool guys and it’s true. Le Schauspieler erzählt davon, wie er gelernt hat, sich zu lieben.

Jesse Eisenberg ist besorgt über seine innere Unruhe, seine Anxiety. Sein Verhalten am Tag, an dem wir uns trafen, dient dafür als ein gutes Beispiel: Bereits zur Mittagszeit kreisen seine Gedanken nur darum, was un dem Tag alles schiefgehen könnte. Before the “Little Poland” restaurant for our interview, I see Eisenberg on the phone from Gehsteig in the Laufen district. Er spricht mit seinem Vater, der ihn besänftigt et zuspricht, er solle nicht ausflippen, weil seinem new Film “A Real Pain” is on the title of the Feuilletons der New York Times geschafft hatte.

“A moment, really?” Is this true? Oh, huh, how? Okay, okay, okay. Das ist doch gut, or so? », he writes in Handy.

“Yes, das ist gut,” he replies to Vater.

This is precisely the first Anfang of the Gedankenspirale. It is the 1st of November and it is now 25th year Celsius? Außerdem is also the Tag, one of their films in the United States Kinostart and a film on Leiden of the Jewish Volkes – and this in the latter a political age? And the presidents of the United States, between the United States and the United States, have found a “fascism” in their region, which is only theirs. Drei Tage in the Zukunft!

Jeder Satz, the spirit of Jesse Eisenberg, is hard and tough

“I’m not attacking this restaurant,” he told Hereinkommen. “I love Essen Poland. It’s so seltsam, that I haven’t had the war yet, and I have a film with the title “Little Poland”. And the Anfangsszene are playing in this restaurant, but within their group, I want to make you anxious, to worry you.

Eisenberg, 41, comes from Langen Sätzen. Your melodic rhythm pauses and adjusts a bit, so you can use it with your music. Mit seiner Ankunft kommt eine Lawine an höflichen Fragen and Dankesbekundungen: Erkundigt sich, ob es mir zu kalt im Restaurant wäre et ist besorgt, ob wir zu spät für das Mittagsangebot gekommen wären.

Mit “A Real Pain” is an Eisenberg version of its original version.

Jack, Drakes. Overshirt, Our heritage. T-shirt, Levi’s. Uh, Rolex.

The New Yorker East Village restaurant has been in business since 1985. On the menu, there are classics like Barszcz (a Rote-Beete-Suppe) and Pierogi. The Holzvertäfelung des Innenraums is very classic and still in the originalzustand. It is an authentic restaurant, according to the Zeit, unberührt zu sein scheint. Jene Art von Lokal, the man also in “A Real Pain,” appeared. With new Films, the Eisenbergs have already been released. It was inspired by a life in Poland, which is with his wife inside, and the house sleeps zu sehen, in his Vorfahren einst lebten. “I don’t remember it, but I don’t remember what happened and what I didn’t know, because I think it’s the right Wohnhaus,” says erzählt er. “This dissonance is my current life.”