
Polarkreis-18-Sänger gives a concert at the Steinhaus Bautzen

Polarkreis-18-Sänger gives a concert at the Steinhaus Bautzen


Ex-Frontmann von Polarkreis 18 brings white magic to the Steinhaus Bautzen

Bautzen. Open Advent concert: Felix Räuber, presented as the leader of the Dresden pop group Polarkreis 18, on December 15 in the Bautzener Steinhaus. The musician, der mit dem Hit “Allein Allein” weltbekannt wurde, presented within Programm “Wie klingt Weihnachten? » At 4 p.m., the concert begins in the Steinhaus and Steinstraße. “In the independent style of cinematic pop, the performer of white music is new, regardless of modern ones with traditional lyrics and in the audience is not in the golden era of past years, it seems that he is not not published,” he says in the analysis.

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Auf die Bühne kommt Felix Räuber with pianists Justin Lehmann-Friese. The audience must be auf traditional Weihnachtslieder im völlig neuen musikalischen Gewand freuen. In a modern and unique style, the Pop träumerischen style will be the music of an Abend Schaffen festival. Das Konzert soll nicht nur die Besinnlichkeit der Weihnachtszeit vermitteln, sondern auch an die wahre Bedeutung des Festes erinnern.

Felix Räuber was in the Frontmann period of the Polarkreis 18 as a solo artist with a valuable name. Your musical sound is a unique blend of pop, neoclassical and electronic music. Old Dresdner was created by artists like Klavierliebhaber Martin Herzberg, Star-Geiger Daniel Hope and singer-songwriter Scott Matthew. There is also music for international television series like “How to Get Away with Murder” and “Grey’s Anatomy” which have been broadcast internationally.

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Außerdem is the singer, composer and producer of the documentary series “Wie klingt Heimat”, which was created in the Dresden State Art Ensemble as presenting author. Räuber is given auf die Suche nach dem Klang seiner sächsischen Heimat gegangen. Aus den gesammelten Geräuschen, Liedern und Melodien hat er Songs et un “Sinfonie der Kulturen” geschrieben. During these years we will have an ausverkaufte tour and the production of a CD-Weihnachts behind me.

Tickets are available in the store for 26 euros, available online and also in the DDV section of the Sächsischen Zeitung, Lauengraben 18 in Bautzen.
