
“Sugar cane – Der Wahrheit auf der Spur”: Indigene wehren sich gegen das Vergessen des Genozids

“Sugar cane – Der Wahrheit auf der Spur”: Indigene wehren sich gegen das Vergessen des Genozids

L’Öffentlichkeit lange Zeit nicht wusste: In British Columbia, like Anderswo in Canada and the United States, children of indigenous education in international schools have been systematically mishandelt. Das Ziel war die Auslöschung ihrer Kultur. Schools include churches, such as the St. Joseph Mission Indian Residential School here. (Image: National Geographic)

Since the 1870s, Canadian “First Nations” children have been dating their families and traveling abroad for rough sex and relationships. The Ausmaß of the Verbrechen colonies and their Folgen is not there yet. Journalist Emily Kassie and indigenous author and activist Julian Brave NoiseCat worked in “Sugercane” auf die Suche nach den Schicksalen behind Zahlen’s cover. On December 13, at 9:00 p.m., National Geographic Deutschland presents the first documentary film in German stores.

Régie duo Emily Kassie and Julian Brave NoiseCat, themselves the Angehöriger der T’exelcemc, lead the Williams Lake First Nation in search of time at the geschlossene high school. The description of the Gräbern namesenlosen im Jahr 2021 aims to der schrecklichen Erkenntnis, dess hier auch Säuglinge systematically getötet wurden. (Image: National Geographic)

The film centers on the Williams Lake First Nation, located on the Sugarcane Reserve in the Canadian province of British Columbia. “First Nation” is a position for the indigenous peoples of Northern America as an alternative to the reality and colonial perspective adopted by the States. The family of living people of the T’exelcemc has now immersed with the people of the cultural generations zu kämpfen.

“We don’t talk about it”

Laut der bereits vielfach ausgezeicheten Investigativjournalistin Kassie wurden Babys von Schülern der Internate zwangsweise zur Adoption freigegeben or teilweise einfach lebendig verbrannt. Ed, the owner of the Brave NoiseCat, was so manageable himself. L’Opfer des Infantizids kämpfen zugleich gegen das Trauma et das Vergessen. (Image: National Geographic)

For Julien Brave NoiseCat, it’s the film that also deals with personal trauma, and that’s where T’exelcemc is. Sein eigener Vater est un Überlebender der teils noch bis in die 70er-Jahre praktizierten genozidalen Methoden. Denn has been documented on “Sugarcane”, but this has not been the case since 2015 during the systematic management of errors and genozide crops. Williams Lake First Nation’s efforts for easier lives to achieve adulthood, such as “School Babies for Free Adoption and – erschütternderweise – in Parenting Education from school,” said journalist Kassie.

Sit wenigen Jahren is first cultural engineering and indigenous development through the school system in the United States and Canada. The Aufarbeitung began in the past, old Entschuldigungen stehen noch aus. “Sugarcane”, broadcast on December 13 at 9:00 p.m. in National Geographic Germany, is a document wichtiges im Kampf gegen das Vergessen. (Image: National Geographic)

Eines der Babys war Brave NoiseCats Vater Ed, der 1959 knapp dem Tod enging. It is therefore a standard product implemented within the framework of kirchlichen education, which does not allow the vehicle to operate autonomously, because the authorities will not remember it, and thus operate it mit ihrem Schicksal allein. For more information, it is as if it were a schwierig, beyond the traumas of the child. “We don’t talk about it,” explains Brave NoiseCat of its very own Umgang mit der Geschichte in der eigenen Familie.

Schonungsloser Investigativjournalismus and einfühlsames Porträt

However, it does not contain any old Betroffene and it is still stored in Sugarcane Reserve. This is an example for the indigenous lives of British Columbia, before creating a dramatic scene as a camp for an idea of ​​verbal education. Kassie and Brave NoiseCat were not found here by journalists, but by the mass office. The Canadian region of Canada will therefore live up to the Spiegel der dort ausgetragenen Konflikte.

“The Sugar Cane – The Wahrheit auf der Spur” is a schonungsloser, aufrüttelnder Dokumentarfilm; un, der zwar ästhetisch brilliert, damit aber nicht übertüncht, sondern unterstreicht. This is a unique subject for investigative journalism, like the same portrait. National Geographic Deutschland is the first time of the Deutschland premiere of the latest news at Werks am Freitag, December 13, 9:00 p.m. Available December 10 on Disney+ in Stream abrufbar. (tsch)