
Munich: Time for a new day of life – Munich

Munich: Time for a new day of life – Munich

In Munich there is a forest powerhouse for men of all times – with a music program on numerous lights, light and laser shows and natural gourmet restaurants. Die Sause wird allerdings erst zum Jehreswechsel 2025/26 statttfinden, aussi nächstes Jahr. Das beschloss der Wirtschaftsausschuss des Stadtrates am Dienstag mit der knappsten möglichen Mehrheit von 10:9 Stimmen. While the Vertreter of the Regierungskoalition von Grünen/Rosa Liste and SPD/Volt created support for political referents Clemens Baumgärtner (CSU), the opposition parties voted at this time.

It is for everyone that it is first necessary, as in the Grunde alle einig waren, dass un zentrale Silvesterfeier, a fine knowledge for München sei. Trotzdem gab est un queen de Bedenken gegen das Konzept a “Silvestermeile”, the Münchner Veranstalter Alexander Wolfrum presents and zuletzt noch una präzisiert hatte. Nicht genug, like the CSU-Stadtrat Thomas Schmid fand, der vor allem the vorgesehene Party-Location in the Innenstadt kritisch sieht. The Seine Fraktion is taking place, the Feiermeile lieber in den Olympiapark zu verlegen, um das Geschehen in the weitläufigen Areal sontzerren zu können.

Trotz aller Bedenken hat Wolfrum mit seiner Agentur GRAL nun grünes Licht für sein Vorhaben bekommen, das er unter den Arbeitstitel „Sauber reing’feiert“ gesturellt hat. “We are so happy,” he says instead, which is auf der Besuchertribubüne verfolgt hatte. It is formally necessary that the Vollversammlung des Stadtrats den Beschluss nächste Woche noch absegnen; in going Regelt folgt das Plenum aber dentscheidungen der Fachgremien.

Wolfrums Freude has not yet realized the current state, but has arrived at the Olympiapark as a provider of infection protection infrastructure. Das wolle er in den ächsten zwei Wochen tun, wie er sagte. In a former Konzept beruht darauf, die Ludwigstraße 2 wischen Feldherrnhalle et Siegestor zu bespielen, un “Premium-Stadtlage”, like Beppo Brem bemerkte, der wirtschaftspolitische Sprecher der Grünen. “If we have an effective approach to verification, it has to be an audit with real added value inside,” he says.

Brem erinnerte also noch einmal an den Ursprung der Idee einer zentralen Feier zum Jahreswechsel. We organized the firefighting and firefighting events 2019 in the Fußgängerzone and in the inner space of the Mittleren Rings in words – and the First World War was a big party with a large party organized by Drohnen-Show. Aufgrund der angelespannten Haushaltslage sah sich sich sich letztlich aber nicht in der Lage, un solche Sylvesterfeier zu finanzieren.

SZMoreMeinungAdvantages and disadvantages

:Silvestermeile in Munich – single toll or old zu teuer?

Von René Hofmann and Thomas Kronewiter

No, the Veranstalter Wolfrum is in financial risk, but the event will be organized privately. A cost for exploration, construction, group, artist, lighting, security and craft activities with reinzuholen holes, must be selected for each entry. The ticket price is 40 euros regular and 20 euros maximum. Außerdem solles Familienoder Gruppentickets zu 80 Euro geben et auch eine bestimmte Anzahl von kostenlosen Sozialtickets. Wolfrum selbst hatte dafür deux Prozent der Gesamtzahl in Gespräch gebracht, im verabschiedeten Beschluss wurden non 400 Eintrittskarten festgeschrieben, die über gemeinnützige Organizationen vertrieben werden sollen.

Today it is very impractical, as an example, for the old men of the event taking place today. There are more options that apply to increasing the investment: a small variant ranging from 17,000 to 25,000, a large one up to 65,000. Generations will also be present in the next women, when Wolfrum opts for Olympiapark. geprüft hat. First, when planning über die Örtlichkeit gefallen ist, cann er konkreter in die Planungen einsteigen.

Organize laser shows, music and gastronomy – for a price of 40 euros per person. (Photo: Einhorn & Gral)

Seitens der Stadt was the Silvestermeile for the first time as a pilot project, for two years, between 2025/26 and 2026/27. I am best in the fall to see “The starting point for new initiatives within, in the 1970s with the creativity and unique purchasing power of the Winter Monastery in Munich with attractive travel activities” , said Wirtschafts referent Baumgärtner in the context of the work of Beschlussvorlage. And another “Winterlichen Freizeit-und Erlebnisangebot für Einheimische und Gäste” gesprochen.

From the center of Silvesterfeier there are no things to do, chefs and burgers have to take care of Böllern and fire factories, which also has a positive effect for the environment and the standard of living. Another advantage is that there is another, more touristy winter day in Munich nearby, an attractive holiday trip for both and something from the top hotel for a better winter life. “Other metropolises, such as New York, London or Berlin, are already in Langem, with an official installation, a very positive establishment for a city can entstehen”, it is indicated in the Beschlussvorlage. “We are on the way, it is likely that there is a problem,” said Grünen-Stadtrat Beppo Brem. After the first development of the sylvan period, they were evaluated and the specifications were applied.

GRAL: We have suggested that the Konzept is in place

Please note that the Abkürzung GRAL leicht über die Lippen, ausgeschrieben wird ein ungewöhnlich langer Firmenname daraus. Die vier Buchstaben stehen für „Gründliche Realisierung Allgemeiner Lebensfreude“. Eventagentur started in 1995, with more than 4300 completed projects and 25 completed projects.

Gründer und Geschäftsführer is Alexander Wolfrum, 58 years old. His first project: Königsplatz with an open-air cinema for watching. Since 2016, GRAL das, inzwischen tun es andere.

SZ-Podcast “München personal”

:Veranstalter Alexander Wolfrum über besondere Locations in Munich

The Gründer der Eventagentur Gral is at least 30 years old. Do you want businesses and businesses to be available to you for new things? And what do you think of the Instagram post?

During the year 1999/2000, the agent was commissioned by the general agent as general contractor of the Silvestermeile der Stadt. But stop celebrating damsels and a whole million menschen in a new year. SZ’s announcement: “The fire works are so gigantic that we don’t need them, Ludwigstraße is overloaded – and we see the truth about the ganze Spektakel without large snowfalls. »

GRAL supports an office in Berlin and another in Munich. On the university homepage you will also find references to the lighting of BMW houses during the European Championships or the Hofgartenfest of the Bayerischen Staatskanzlei.