
Should you buy Nvidia before 2025? The evidence is accumulating and they say so. | 10.12.24

Should you buy Nvidia before 2025? The evidence is accumulating and they say so. | 10.12.24


121.58 CHF 0.56%

Kaufen / Verkaufen

Nvidia (NASDAQ: NVDA) has risen to the top of the charts in terms of stock performance this year. Stocks are headed for a nearly 190% rise for the best performer in the Dow Jones Industrial Average, the second-best performer in the Nasdaq 100 and the third-best performer in the S&P 500. And the reason for these gains is clear: Nvidia has built an empire in one of today’s hottest industries. I’m talking about artificial intelligence (AI), the market for which is expected to grow from $200 billion today to $1 trillion by the end of the decade. The tech giant is making powerful chips key to the development of AI projects, as well as an entire portfolio of related products and services. And that helped revenues reach record levels. It reached $35 billion in the most recent quarter, more than a full year’s worth of revenue just two years ago. Given the company’s momentum, should you buy Nvidia before 2025? The evidence is accumulating and tilts in favor of a particular answer.Continue readingMore articles on MotleyFool