
Best as Black Friday? waipu Live-TV and WOW Movies and series for the best prices

Best as Black Friday? waipu Live-TV and WOW Movies and series for the best prices


This Livestream Bundle is currently our Top-Seller. offers a Perfect Plus package with its own live TV service including WOW movies and series for 5 euros monatlich.

The offers you a Perfect Plus for 5 euros a world film a day of WOW for films and series. (What:

  • is time-locked with a specialized robot. You are therefore entitled to the Perfect Plus package of services for one year for only 5 to 10 euros monatlich.
  • Obendrauf erhaltet et ihr en Jahresabo von WOW Filme & Serie gratis dazu. WOW is Sky’s streaming service.
  • Black Friday Feeling at

Pay TV is not yours, it’s current time from the host Today you can get up to 5 euros for every month of October on live streaming from over 299 TV stations, with 72 pay TV stations, plus all Sky films and series completely free. security. Denn im Angebot is a gift for 12 months of WOW films and series.

The links on this page can be found in NETZWELT ggf. eine Provision vom Händler. More information.

WOW is Sky’s streaming service. You will now see your era under other blockbusters like Oppenheimer, “Manta, Manta 2” or Barbie.’s 72 pay TV transmitters are also on 13th Street, SyFy and RTL Crime.

Everything for films and series will cost you up to WOW for 5.98 euros at the lowest price. The Perfect Plus package from will cost only 12.99 euros. Your share is also monatlich for 14 euros monatlich. Allerdings must belong to you to this robot for zwölf Monate and binden. Das Perfect Plus-Abo will be made available to you during the Ablauf der Mindestvertragslaufzeit zum jeweils gültigen Monatspreis. Das Gratis-WOW-Abo falls next. Vergesst also no, das rechtzeitig zu kündigen. brings you portable devices, PCs, tablets, smart TVs and many other devices. For setup, there is an internet connection with a download speed of 6 Mbit/s.

The WOW-Abo meal is scheduled to take place on December 31, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. A Gutschein einzulösen, must have your mind up to 18 years within and in Germany for women.

The following instructions are included in the Angebot noch einmal auf einen Blick zusammen:

  • Zugriff live on 299 Sendern

  • Gifts for a day of WOW films and series

  • Laufzeit 12 months

With the Perfect-Plus package, you will have 299 Live-Senders for use. Davon has 285 senders in HD streaming – including RTL and Pro7. Zudem has 72 Pay-TV-Sender in packages enabled. The online player costs up to 100 hours of purchase. Mit Perfect-Plus allows you to stream the TV program continuously. The regular price of the package is 12.99 euros on January 1st. You will probably receive a meal voucher for a month of WOW films and series, which will regularly cost 5.98 euros.

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