
Superschneller Objektspeicher für KI-Anwendungen

Superschneller Objektspeicher für KI-Anwendungen

Scality XP Ring
Superschneller Objektspeicher für KI-Anwendungen

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With Ring XP brings Scality a special solution for the best KI object analysis solutions on the market, which lasts as little time as expected for small auszeichnen soll object dates. Then you will see the Ring and the complete picture.

Ring XP is perfectly suited for Scality with small objects with a size of your KB or extreme length between shoulders and claws. Das Unternehmen spricht hier von einigen hundert Mikrosekunden. Das Kürzel XP is for extreme performance.

(Image: OP38Studio – / KI-generated)

Scality Ring XP is a specialized tool for KI storage and configuration services for training and configuring models. The manufacturer modified the software stack so that it had a massive read and a small object scheme with a maximum size of 4 KB, with resources of several hundred microprocessors. Gleichzeitig soll large objects im Gigabyte-Bereich un hoher Durchsatz erreicht werden. Un derart niedrige Latenz bietet laut Scality derzeit nur Ring XP. So you can enjoy optimized performance for object storage with Amazon S3 Express One Zone with 2 hours of usage of 10 and 50 million. Proprietary All-Flash-Storage-Appliances do not work with storage capacities less than one millimeter, depending on the NFS protocol, such as Scality. The performance dates for your S3 interfaces for object storage are already planned and the manufacturers are not in order, so Giorgio Regni, CTO and Mitgründer von Scality.

Use the API for more performance

Scality has developed a high-performance object storage API for Ring XP, which is ideal for training and tuning clean KI models.

(Image: Scality)

Ring XP is integrated into the demselben software stack, like Ring and used for diesel functions such as Erasure Coding, Selbstheilung or Replikation. The changes provided access to the object stack in Ring XP and a single function, which is not available for KI applications. As an example of the object list editor, the Data-Lake management system uses the following names. The Object Storage API is available with Ring XP to help you optimize playback. The software can be configured so that small objects are responded to and not activated via Erasure Coding, but the software is explained. Laut Scality is used as part of KI training, but it is not possible to do this. It is possible to achieve minimal latency from redundancy without any errors. Scality offers a Scratch storage mode. Cyberangriff-generated resiliency with built-in CORE5 features for security and data protection drives drops in Ring XP.

The platform for Scality Ring XP now offers All-Flash storage servers from Lenovo, Supermicro, Dell or HPE with AMD-Epyc processor and numerous NVMe SSDs as reference platforms. So you need to find optimal Latency CPUs with old Cores on the einsatz kommen.

Ring XP and Ring as Complettlösung for KI-Datenpipelines

Scality sees Ring XP and Ring as a complete solution for data management of KI-Datenpipelines. Ring soll dabei als Objektspeicher für sehr große KI-Data-Lakes dienen, als skalierbares Repositorium pour unstrukturierte Daten, dessen Kapazität bis in den Exabyte-Bereichen kann. It is a well-functioning hybrid storage server that can be used by Scality and can be used for data filtering. Auf Ring XP will have an expiry date for training and a designed model setting, as well as the GPU server for training with high performance zugreifen. The Scality solution for the combination of Ring and Ring XP also enables integrated lifecycle management of all phases of the data pipeline through a single framework. Ring würde sich zudem durch das für Applications zugängliche Metadata-Tagging gut for the creation of vector banks for the own Augmented Recovery Generation (RAG).

For Rind XP licensing, Scality’s subscription model is ring with one, three, or three years and license fees, the size of the original data. Ring-Kunden masters already have a way to use it for Ring XP.
