
“I can see you in my children!” »

“I can see you in my children!” »

Sarah Engels really can’t do anything

“I can see you in my children!” »

Sarah Engels with your children Alessio and Solea


von Sarah Viktoria Zaczek And Rebecca Schindler

Nicht ohne mon Kinder!

Sarah Engels (32) loves her family and her father. The Spagat is not easy for the Sängerin, as one of them at the premiere of the Robbie Williams biopic “A Better Man”, which will be revealed.

Sarah Engels is “by and through family”

It is a long date with a romantic date: Sarah Engels and her Ehemann Julian take care of their partner Roten together. So an Abend must go to the breast – schließlich hat die einstige “Deutschland sucht den Superstar”-Kandidatin (hier auf RTL+ streamen) 2 Kinder. Where is Alessio (9) and Solea (2), when the Paar is on its way? “The children are listening to my Schwägerin”, we saw on January 32 in an interview.

Julian and Sarah Engels at the premiere of Robbie Williams biopic “A Better Man”

IMAGO/APress International

Reading advice: Plant Sarah Engels Baby Number Three?

Tatsächlich ist es im Hause Engels nicht ganz so einfach, Familie and Beruf unter einen Hut zu bekommen, wie sie sie often in our interview zugibt: “Je merke, zum Jahresende wird es immer sehr, sehr viel. And it’s also a schöner Spagat. But it’s always time to klappt it!” Trotzdem falls and Sarah is not light, the children attack a couple who hear them, then: “We know, we are white: I am by a family man. Von daher: I can see it in my children, I must see it often with dabei. When this is not the case, the family takes care of it. And that’s the Schöne.”

Reading advice: “Nicht so leicht” – Sarah Engels verbringt erste Nacht ohne Tochter Solea

In the video: Sarah Engels in the Zeit as alleinerziehende Mutter