
JPMORGAN stuft Nordea on ‘Negativ’

JPMORGAN stuft Nordea on ‘Negativ’

NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Analyzer) – The American bank JPMorgan has published Nordea’s “Negative Catalyst Watch” status. That said, I spoke to analyst Sofie Peterzens about my two pessimistic analysis tips for late January when reviewing shifts. You see risks to dividends such as conversion rates (EPS) and reduce your ambitious predictions. The share price will run between 125 and 120 Swiss crowns and believe that the fundamental integration to the “underweight”./gl/edh

Viewing of the original study: 10.12.2024 / 19:55 / GMT First reading of the original study: 11.12.2024 / 00:15 / GMT

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Die Nordea Bank Abp Aktie wird zum Zeitpunkt der Veröffentlichung der Nachricht mit einem More von +0.09 % and a price of 10.85EUR auf Tradegate (December 11, 2024, 08:11 a.m.) published.