
iPhone-Nutzer is the first alternative to Apple Pay now

iPhone-Nutzer is the first alternative to Apple Pay now


After the use of NFC technology from the iPhone, this is the first time that Apple Pay is available in Europe. The first alternative to Apple Pay on the iPhone is available in Norway from Anbieter Vipps an den Start. Doch der Zahlungsanbieter dürfte dürfte damit nicht allein bleiben.

IIn Norway, you can use an iPhone for the first time with an Apple Pay alternative on the charger. Möglich wird das mit Hilfe von Vipps, un mobilen Zahlungsplattform, die von der DNB Bank ins Leben geufen wurde. They were created in 2015 and were created in Norway for one of the most credible mobile sets. Mit Vipps können Nutzer schnell et unkompliziert Geld anere Personen senten, Rechnungen bezahlen et in Geschäften oder Online-Shops Rechnungen begleichen – alles über eine mobile App. You can also access Apple Pay via NFC technology.

Regulation of NFC communication station for droplets

Möglich wird all the, nachdem die Regulatorische Offnung der iPhone-Schnittstelle im European Wirtschaftsraum verabschiedet wurde. Hierfür braucht es, as also in case of Apple Pay, a detailed map, the service is supported. The SpareBank1 website and over 40 regional banks are now able to begin an expansion of services in Denmark, Sweden and Finland.

We have already started to do it, with Apple on the great heights that contribute to knowing them, and it is so fast and surreal that they finally bring us our own life in the market to know them. This is one of its main enemies of the Zwischen Kampf of the great market of the world and of the Vipps.

Rune Garborg, CEO of Vipps Mobile Pay

Mit “Tap with Vipps” können Kunden ab sofort Vipps for alle Arten von Zahlungen nuts and Vipps also in Situationen nutszen, in this normalerweise ihre Plastic card würden. “At present, Apple’s war is for one of our products, so it is the easiest in the nearby market, with the main wet standards. We will always be in contact with other organizations, international cards and other informed banks,” Garborg said.

In the United States, Druck auf Apple zu


It is possible to use mobile wallets and mobile wallets for smartphones using the NFC connector for iPhones. This option is also compatible with Apple Pay. For supporting an Apple wet service provider in the European Economic Area (EWR), supporting other wallets and customer service for the iPhone. In the United States, the Druck dies at this time.

EWR is integrated into Apple – like Android – using Host Card Emulation (HCE) technology to use NFC technology. In the United States, mobile wallets like iPhones are used to create a “Secure Element” that works. With this special chip you can install branches on Java-Card applets. Unter Verweis auf Sicherheitsbedenken hatte Apple diese Öffnung erstaunlich lange verweigert.two